Call for papers
General Information
2025 International Conference on Firmware (ICF) accepts two types of papers: one is research paper and the other is design paper.
📌Research papers are to improve related designs for industry, key citations thereof are SCI journal papers.
📌Design paper presents the design for a targeted industry, key citations of which are patents, products and magazines.
Contributors can take 2025 International Conference on Firmware to promote their application packages of firmware developed in labs. What were made for internal teamwork or perhaps ready for marketing are all welcome here for presentation and intensive discussion, which include, but not limited to, the following types of firmware:
Chip-end Firmware
C-1 Embedded operating systems
C-2 Compilers
C-3 Math functions
C-4 Communication
C-5 Special-purpose peripherals
Application-end Firmware
A-1 Drivers of motors or power devices
A-2 Systems and Control (Identification, Estimation, Diagnosis, Servo control, Error compensation, etc.)
A-3 Signal Processing (Firmware-based instrumentation, Signal acquisition, Image processing, Sound processing, Spectrum analyzer, etc.)
A-4 MCU Development Board (Pedagogical purposes or products)
A-5 Others (Traffic management, Industry lights, Beep and music, etc.
Papers Submission
1. Fonts: Times News Raman
2. Page layout: A4, single spaced
3. Page margins: 2cm on four sides
4. Length of manuscript: at least 2 pages; at most 25 pages.
✔️Submission is completed by the replying the invitation letter with two attached pdf files:
1. The author form: fill the information about the authors and the papers submitted.
2. The papers under submission to the conference.
Based on the context of your papers, the program chair will send you an additional invitation to hold or attend special sessions and/or related workshops.